1st Award the 5th Panhellenic Painting Competition "LOUKA VENETIOULA", with the theme "Animals and us", with the project "Bloody World"...
Ink, acrylics, melted candle, spray on canvas, 30 * 30 cm, 2024, “VISUABILITY”, group art exhibition, French Institute of Thessaloniki
Inks, smoke, melted candle, oil pastels and liquid glass, 80*100 cm, 2022, participation in the 4th Panhellenic Competition "LOUKA...
Ink, smoke and melted candle on canvas, 100 * 100 cm, 2022 “Visual Interventions”, group exhibition, State Conservatory of Thessaloniki
Collage, inks, 2021, 1st Award (Adult category) in the Panhellenic art competition of the Foundation of the Hellenic World, with topic:...
Ink on paper, one of the twelve Awards of the competition "FANTASMAGORIA 2020", Thessaloniki 2020-2021
This video is made by real smoke. Painting with the aid of a brush on the patterns created by smoke (via a wax) on a white surface and...